Mason Garlic Oil 1000mg

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Don’t Let the Smell Fool You: Garlic’s Potent Benefits for Your Heart

Garlic’s distinctive aroma is a sign of its powerful health potential. The pungent sulfurous compounds that create its strong odor may also be the key to its heart-supporting properties.

Antioxidant Powerhouse: Garlic is rich in antioxidants like superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. These antioxidants help protect your cells from harmful free radicals, promoting overall health.

Beyond Odor: Supporting Cholesterol, Immunity, and Blood Flow

Research suggests garlic may also help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, support a robust immune system, and promote normal blood clotting, thanks to its unique blend of trace minerals and enzymes.

Maximizing Garlic’s Benefits: Fresh vs. Supplements

While many enjoy garlic in their cooking, its beneficial compounds can be significantly reduced during high-heat cooking. For those seeking optimal cardiovascular and immune support, along with the full antioxidant power of garlic, a daily supplement may be a wise choice.

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Weight 0.0022 lbs