Mason Cascara Sagrada 450mg


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Ancient Remedy for Constipation:

  • Native American Origins: Cascara Sagrada, used for centuries by indigenous tribes on the West Coast, boasts a rich history as a natural laxative.
  • Gentle Relief: The bark of cascara sagrada contains anthraquinones, compounds known to stimulate colon contractions, promoting bowel movement.
  • Natural Alternative: Similar to aloe vera, senna, and rhubarb root, cascara sagrada offers a natural approach to constipation relief.

How Cascara Sagrada Works:

  • Key Components: Anthraquinones, found in cascara sagrada’s bark, influence the intestinal tract, particularly the colon.
  • Electrolyte and Water Balance: Anthraquinones may impact the flow of electrolytes and water within the colon.
  • Stimulating Contractions: This altered balance can cause swelling of bowel contents, triggering colonic muscle contractions (peristalsis) and promoting gentle elimination.

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Weight 0.2646 lbs


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