Health for Who? Health for the Earth, for me and you!

It’s no coincidence that April is deemed ‘Earth Month’ with The World Health Organization (WHO) celebrating 75 Years on World Health Day on the 7th and World Earth Day on the 22nd. April is often associated with blooming – whilst known for Spring elsewhere it falls under ‘Kawem’ in The Nature Isle. When we think of blooming, one may picture a garden flourishing under the watchful guidance of its loving gardener. Freshly pruned Bougainvillea, a hedge of Crown of Glory boasting varying shades of green, several different types of foliage, shrubs and fruit trees adorned with colorful flowers dripping with morning dew. B E A U T I F U L!

I believe that is the home The Creator intended for us. Many years later, the question remains – How healthy is your garden? defines Health in humans as the extent of an individual’s continuing physical, emotional, mental, and social ability to cope with his or her environment. Besides our external environment, which we will touch on later, the human body is a temple. It requires consistent nurturing and grooming. When was the last time that you truly paid attention to yourself, your environment? To how you feel, your physical body, your mind.

Are you in any bodily pain? 

Are you okay?

Are your shoulders relaxed? 

When was your last Doctor’s check-up?

When last have you had a good night’s rest?                                    

Do you celebrate your achievements?

When was your last visit to the dentist?         

Are you thriving in your work space?

Let’s take a look at the external environment factor that we spoke of before. ‘Descending from the Middle French preposition environ “around,” environment, in its most basic meaning, is “that which surrounds.”’(Merriam-webster) Our environment encompasses the physical objects around us, the nature, the conditions we live and thrive or flounder in and of course it includes the persons we encounter daily. Think of it as the grass and weeds that sprout in the garden. Do you water your weeds or do you root them out? Do you trim the grass or do you let it grow wild? Take time to pay attention to your environment – the tangible and abstract.

Take time to tend to your surroundings this month (and all months – to be honest). Plant a tree to shade generations to come. Clean a river to allow for cleaner drinking water. Decrease the global Carbon footprint by doing your part – switching to LED bulbs, taking shorter hot water showers (or switching to cold water showers), doing your laundry less weekly, walking and cycling more and using less plastic. Identify and categorize which persons and personalities are beneficial and detrimental to your life. Pay close attention to where you spend most of your time – Do you flourish in that environment?

Life is precious, and like all things, it comes with varying difficulty throughout. It is important that we do regular ‘Health and Self Care check-ups’ to be aware of where we are and what we need. Much like a flight preparing for take[1]off, follow this checklist to ensure that all systems are a ‘GO’. And if they aren’t, take note of that and make necessary changes or seek the aid you need.

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